Scientific Issues and Answers about Theism
The author of this book [War Between Science and God] has criticized scientific atheism revealing the errors of three-phased evolutionism one by one. To write this book the author must have performed not only wide research on philosophy of the East and the West but also the quantum theory of the modern science. Meanwhile we have come to know there are not only 'visible' beings but also 'invisible' ones which do not permit human’s observation and experiment. Any theory can be presented. But if it does not tell the facts, it should be abandoned. Science has clarified that the first cause of the universe is the total amount of the cosmic energy. More importantly, God has existed as the first cause of life. A fact is more valuable than a scientific theory or religious doctrine. For facts are truths. A science theory or a dogma which distorts truth is, as Collins said, a sin of driving God, our Creator to a 'great swindler.' If a scientist denies Him by an untrue science theory or a cleric distorts the existence of God by a wrong dogma, then, he or she is a swindler. For there should be some who have seen, listened and wrongfully believed them. Such a swindler would not be pardoned. The matter of being true or not is enormously crucial in the contradictory arguments about beings. The most tricky situation is a real being cannot be seen because of the limited ability of human observation. Such a situation lead to a significant confusion in judging truth.
The scientists excluded invisible things from their subjects of scientific research in order to avoid confusion in facts. Then they should not speak in the 'name of science' about 'invisible' beings. In spite of that, scientific atheists recklessly deny the existence of God on the basis of the 'invisibleness.' Some of them even asserts that the question on the being of God should be answered by science, because philosophy and theology has been dead, Naturally, their answer is God does not exist any more. The problem is their answer is never to be regarded as a fact. They put away scientifically unexplained causes of a major change in the name of 'coincidence' and put those of a minor change to 'evolutionism' omitting the process of a scientific explanation. Could that be said as real positivist science? Both dismission of existence from its 'invisibleness' and advocation of existence in an unscientific way cannot be accepted as scientifically plausible. Then as a response to such a unscientific suggestion, theistic philosopher and scientists as well as theologians should research on the 'invisible' existence and present a resolution. Now that preliminary study course for understanding scientific theism has been finished, one needs an answer sheet to scientific issues arising in the arguments against scientific atheism.
First, how different are the first cause of the universe and God, and when did they begin to exist? What is the Big Bang?
About 2,500 years ago, Parmenides thought the first cause should be the unlimited, unchanging and indivisible one. Lemaitre, Belgian cleric, suggested Our universe' expansion, and name Parmenides' the one the Super Atom. In scientific atheism, it is called singularity whose weight is unlimited, size is no more than an extremely small dot, and is said to be the origin of the Big Bang by which the universe was made. Nevertheless according to the first law of thermodynamics, the first cause of existence is the forever-unchanging the 'total amount of the cosmic energy.' Scientifically, the 'total amount of the cosmic energy' is eternally regular, that is, it existed with the same weight as the present even before the Big Bang, which is undeniable fact. Therefore the singularity mentioned in the scientific atheism is the 'total amount of the cosmic energy.' Accordingly, the suggestion that the singularity is very small like a dot and has an eternal weight is wrong. The fact that the total amount of the cosmic energy is the first existence is an unquestionable thesis against any scientific objection. If so, that is not limitlessly small or large but has a certain amount of size and weight. If the thesis which views the first cause of the universe as the 'total amount of the cosmic energy' plays as the starting point of the discussion, no more question can be raised scientifically. Energy begins work once given a motive. The Big Bang was the work in which the cosmic energy was converted into the cosmic matters. The scientific theism regards the being who provided the cosmic energy with a motive to the Big Bang, as God of Creation. God, the Creator had already existed among the first nature before the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an event created by the Creator God for the purpose of creating the universe. The matter He used was a part of the 'total amount of the cosmic energy.' If God had not performed the action of creation, the cosmic energy would have been the same and Our universe would not have been made.
The change from the first being is the most simply explained by the concept of symmetry that the existence is partner of the non-existence. The relationship between the existence and the non-existence is not to be explained without the description that they are symmetrical. The symmetry is a scientific law proven by dual-formation and dual-extinction of matter and antimatter in the process of the Big Bang conversion of the cosmic energy into matters, and dual-formation and dual-extinction of electron and positron in quantum physics. on the other hand, Lao-tzu, who live in same times as Parmenides, understood the first existence as the symmetry of being and non-being. Such a symmetry means an existence does not have a unity but rather is a system of symmetrical partners. He already thought the one as a system of being and non-being in the first existence on the basis of the law of symmetry. The singularity is an acceptance of the first existence as something with oneness, and being and non-being is as one with polarity. oneness cannot form a change because it has no cause to do that. In the West, the law of symmetry was found in geometry and conceptualized in ontologically. It has developed into a theory which scientifically accounts for the beginning and change of the universe only recently. But Lao-tzu did not only understand being and non-being as the law behind change but also being as the first ontological space-time and non-being as a base of the space-time. Being and non-being of Lao-tzu is the first nature. Tao philosophy of Lao-tzu is to explain the change in nature on the basis of the law of symmetry in polarity. In the East, the law of symmetry was matterized in the yin and yang philosophy, that is the law of change. Symmetry has been acknowledged as a scientifically established law about existence and change in the all space-time in the universe. Being and non-being is the starting point of a law about existence and the principle of causation.
The total amount of the cosmic energy, scientifically first existence, is 'being' to Lao-tzu and the dwelling place of God, mother to all things. Non-being is limitless space without a border and surrounds the external side of being. Accordingly, being and non-being is the first level nature where time-space interacts, and the first cause of change. Lao-tzu correctly understood non-being as the vessel of time-space, but Parmenides did not. The latter could not perceive symmetry in the first existence. Although his ignorance of non-being gave birth to wrong tradition in the Western philosophy and science, it was corrected to some extent owing to the recent discovery of the law of symmetry. Non-being is one and only because of its infinity and being is finite, and one and only because it is the symmetrical parter of non-being. Nothing can survive in non-being, for its absolute temperature is 0K. But being, total amount of the cosmic energy, can as partner of non-being according to the law of symmetry. Nothing but the law of symmetry, highest law about existence, can explain the reason being exists in non-being. The total amount of the cosmic energy probably exists in the form of a sphere with an extremely thick and hard peel outside, for a sphere is the most effective form for preserving volume.
God is Jehovah who answered, "I am who I am(Exodus 3:13-22)" in the Bible. God had existed before the Big Bang. The reason God came to exist in the total amount of the cosmic energy is found in the law of symmetry, which is the most scientific reasoning. It is no less than a mystery how a divine life came to exist among the cosmic energy. The scientific theism could not find a scientific ground to deny the fact that God exists in the total amount of the cosmic energy according to the law of symmetry. For God is the first cause of all changes among the being and non-being, the first symmetry. If God with intelligent life had not exist as the fist cause, orderly changes afterward could not occurred. That was the reason Lao-tzu mentioned being to be mother to all things. A change is enabled by beings divided and re-organized. The total amount of the cosmic energy, the fist being, was divided by the Big Bang, and re-organized thus changing into cosmic matters. Therefore one might call the total amount of the cosmic energy the spaceship driven by God, and Him captain. God's spaceship would be floating in the abyss of non-being without depth or area. The ship is Lao-tzu's being and a ground of all existences. If it had not, the beginning point and position of being could not be discussed scientifically. If one asks how God's spaceship came into being, the only answer is God came into being as the first cause to change of cosmic energy. If energy is under control of an orderly rule before its working, it would work according to the rule. God designed a creation plan and made the law which would change cosmic energy into the cosmic matters. The He pressed the switch of creation. The Big Bang gave rise to the change of cosmic energy to cosmic matters. A solemn big bang happened in a corner of God's spaceship.
Let's go back to the beginning, open the hatch-back of the God's spaceship and see the Big Bang. According to Weinberg's presumption, the absolute temperature of the Big Bang is approximately 2 trillion k. The super high temperature from the Big Bang ripped apart cosmic energy into the quantum level and spread them giving rise to expansion.. Ripped energy and expanded space accommodated non-being and interacted with it giving birth to cosmic matters. Normal matters and dark matters made from the Big Bang separately created a cosmos and God's space, that is, the total energy of cosmic energy became divided into three domains. To give them names, a dark universe composed of a bunch of dark matters, our universe from normal matters and the universe of God. The universe of God is the part of cosmic energy left unused in the Big Bang. Our universe seems to be attached to one side of the universe of God surrounded by the dark universe.
(1) The Big Bang is never a accidental explosion having occurred at a singular point with super high density. If it had been a one-time contingent accident, the singular point would have been left in fragments as leftover of the explosion. The result of the Big Bang, however, is not left in fragments, but rather have created an orderly cosmos. The suggestion that fragments from an accidental explosion created an orderly cosmos by themselves does not make sense. The Big Bang is an event in which God mixed cosmic energy and non- being and made cosmic matters to create an orderly cosmos.
(2) Being and non-being is the first symmetry which represents the law of existence. The law composed of the law of dual-formation and dual-extinction was applied even when cosmic energy was converted from the Big Ban to the first matters. Symmetry is the cause to a change of being splitted, divided and re-organized. The Big Bang is not an explosion of the whole spaceship of God but an event in a corner of the ship. The symmetry between being and non-being as a whole is unchanging. A change only happens in being because its outer part is a domain of non-being where no change is possible.
(3) Non-being and the quantized cosmic energy in the space extended by the Big Bang interacted and brought in the dual-formation of matters and anti-matters. Most of the first matters and anti-matters went through dual-extinction and was converted into the dark matters. Dark matters created the dark universe. Matters which survived the dual-extinction met new partners according to the law of symmetry and became normal matters and composed our universe. The cosmic energy unused in the Big Bang remained intact. It is called dark energy. The total amount of cosmic energy is thus categorized in three. Scientifically calculated data says 5% of normal matters comprising our universe, 23% of dark matters in the dark universe and 72% of dark energy remaining in the God's universe.
(4) According to the standard model, a basic particle (fermion) which survived the Big Bang without dual-extinction instantly made a pair with a particle mediating strength (boson) and reached a new state of super-symmetry. The super-symmetrical pairs were re-organized according to law of symmetry and became atoms. The atoms then created matters which compose our universe. Strict physical laws formulated by God were applied in the process continuously beyond count. We do not know all of the physical laws. Team Alice (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is working on the related experiments now.
(5) If the Big Bang was one time contingent event of explosion, how would a series of numerous physical laws come into being and create orderly our universe? Scientific atheism should not deny the existence of God clinging to the suggestion of coincidence, is obliged to explain how physical laws came to exist. Scientific theism attributes coincidence to the act of God and physical laws to Him. Look at the stars in the night sky and tell if the Big Bang and the physical laws of our universe were made by chance or by an act of God.
(6) We still know nothing of the dark universe and God's universe. Moreover, we do not fully know about our universe. We, most intelligent beings in our universe, however, have come to understand all things in the universe exist occupying some part of the total amount of cosmic energy by the act of God.
Second, what is the first cause of life and how did it come into being?
Scientific atheism assumes the first life was a single-cell from synthesis of organic matters by chemical action or dialectic jump. While the suggestion is no more than the ancient theory of spontaneous generation, a thought of scientific theism is the first life is an intelligent being existing in the total amount of cosmic energy and the life is God of Creation. Lao-tzu understood the first life as mother to all things that exist in being. one could discuss the issue of the beginning of God in various viewpoints. The answer from scientific theism is His existence, as the first cause to a change in being and non-being which is the first nature, is owed to the law of symmetry, the supreme law of existence. For the highest law of changes which create new beings is the law of symmetry. The being endowed with life on the basis of the law of symmetry is God, the first cause to every change.
The total amount of cosmic energy before the Big Bang included the life of God. Then, God may be a life consisting of energy only. Every material life is composed of the body with a part of cosmic matters and the consciousness with life of God. Mere taking a careful look at ourselves would confirm that we are dual existence organized with matters and mind. Mind represents life and consciousness. The reason Schrödinger did not discover the universal law which connects matters and mind in spit of his hard efforts was the two have different origins. Nevertheless, scientific theism supports materialistic monism by saying we accidentally rose from a primitive life and went through evolution. If life is a product of a monistic system having risen from matters naturally, it requires a link between matters and life to cover them in a single system. Such a link has never been found in quantum physics as well as classic physics. The second principle of thermodynamics proves the fact that life was created not by physical laws but by life laws: Matters is governed by the second principle but life is not. No scientist so far has found a proof to the presumption life originated from matters naturally violating the second principle of thermodynamics. A body of life whose life activity has ended is no more than a lump of organic. Thus it rightly becomes ruled by the second principle of thermodynamics and begins to decay. The phenomenon is a proof to the suggestion life is ruled by dual laws of kife and physics. Therefore various monistic evolutionism, which explained away by the logics of macroevolution microevolution, mere representation of the diversity of life, is no more than an intentional untrue claim.
The law of symmetry does not allow an existence without its pair. Collapse of symmetry is a cause to change. If symmetry is collapsed, an existence without its pair needs to recover the state of symmetry by pairing. It is called supersymmetry. If supersymmetry is collapsed, new suppersymmetry is needed as a recovery. All things in the universe repeat collapse and recovery according to the law of symmetry and make a change by doing so. It was God that brought in the first change of destroying symmetry between being and non-being in the total amount of cosmic energy. God was a intelligent life. If a state of symmetry is collapsed, an existence without its pair is left. It should find super-pair and form supersymmetry to recover symmetry. For an existence can stay stable by preserving symmetry. Thus a change goes on and on by repeated collapse of symmetry and recovery to supersymmetry. If there had no been God in cosmic energy, there should not be collapse of symmetry, or a change following it. on the other hand, collapse of symmetry is the motive power of development of history. Hegel's dialectic as a principle behind historical development is no more than another expression of the law of symmetry. The why is symmetry collapsed? The reason is God only has self-consciousness in the total amount of cosmic energy. What is self-consciousness of God which brought about collapse of symmetry for the first time after all?
Self-consciousness is a search for one's own existence. God's self-consciousness came to ask why and how He exists. At the time God asked about the uniqueness and the purpose of His existence, symmetry of being and non-being which had been maintained was collapsed. It is because the question is an understanding that God is independent of symmetry of being and non-being. An independent existence needs to recover its lost symmetry by paring according to the law of symmetry, because an existence is ruled by the law. Therefore collapse of symmetry inevitably leads to a change. Nevertheless God could not find an existence that might answer the question. He, who for the first time collapses symmetry in cosmic energy, could not find His pair. Thus he had to create His pair Himself to recover symmetry. The only raw materials He could use for creation was cosmic energy and non-being. God planned to recover from collapse of symmetry by using them. The plan included creation of material universe, partner of God's universe, and man, partner of His self-consciousness. He had no choice but to use His own life force as a source for the creation of man.
Scientific atheism even invented anthropic principle for the purpose of denying the existence of God and His creation. Anthropic principle, however, is mere an addition onto the ancient belief of spontaneous generation of the atheistic concept that cosmic matters planned the generation of man. Evolutionism, basic theory of scientific atheism, gives an explanation that the Big Bang which occurred accidentally at a singular point gave rise to matters, and a life accidentally having generated from matters became man by evolution, thus denying God's creation of man. Engels criticized Hegel's dialectic for 'standing upside down' even though the latter's theory suggested the direction of development of history was toward the absolute spirit. Then Engels founded scientific atheism by overturning dialectic and changing the course of development of history toward matters. In addition, He deleted the last shadow of God which was left in Darwinism and drove Him out of the human world. Scientific atheism maintains the time-space of the universe is something like an egg which generated from a singular point by the Big Bang. Why is it the existent time-space of cosmic energy is confined in a peel made by the Big Bang? The way to correct the course of dialectic and evolutionism, which was overturned by Engels' scientific atheism, is to imitate Columbus(1451-1506). one should break the peel of the singular point which is put forth as starting point of the time-space by scientific atheism. Then the infinitely extended time-space would allow a 180 degree turn in the course of the historical development. The eternally unchanging total amount of cosmic energy is there and Lao-tzu's being and non-being emerges from the first nature. When dialectic and evolutionism overturned by is set up rightly, they turn out to be an effective theory of scientific theism which accounts for the existence of God. Therefore His existence is explainable within a frame of evolutionism. Energy consists of quantum according to quantum physics, and energy can be converted into matters according to the law of conservation of energy. Then it is more than possible that certain life can exist in the total amount of cosmic energy on the basis of evolutionism. Morerover, it is 100% possible that the life evolves to God of Creation. once the existence of God is explained in an evolutionist way like this, there is no point Scientific atheism may dispute. Thus it becomes an unconditional truth that life generated from cosmic energy for an almost eternal time before the Big Bang, and it evolved to most intelligent being, that is, God. That leaves scientific theism, which asserts God planned the creation of the universe and triggered the Big Bang, irrefutable against scientific atheism on the basis of evolutionism. Scientific theism is to collapse scientific atheism, a denial of the existence of God on the basis of evolutionism, by adopting evolutionism.
(1) We only need to throw away scientific atheism which denies God's existence, and keep scientific theism which maintains the whole universe was created by the act of the most intelligent being, God, before the Big Bang. The easiest way of understanding life is to look at ourselves. Our body is a part of cosmic matters, and our mind has a share in God's living force. Western researches of quantum physics including Schrödinger and Heisenberg as well as Opharin, writer of The Origin of Life, one of the textbooks of scientific atheism, tried to find the connecting point of matters and mind. All of them passed away without success in it. No one has ever successfully worked on the job. The fact means matters and mind have different origins.
(2) It has been demonstrated that Evolution dating back to the time before the Big Bang is a theory proving God's existence. When 'coincidence', mentioned unexceptionally in an explanation of scientific atheism of the origin of the universe and life, is replaced by 'the act of God', scientific atheism can be substituted by scientific theism, as has been revealed so far. Scientific theism refuted scientific atheism which denies God's existence and demonstrated Creator God is the mother to the whole universe. Therefore the suggestion by scientific atheism that the universe and life originates from matters accidentally has no theoretical ground to deny God's existence. Now scientific theism cannot only assert that God came into being as first cause to a change on the basis of the law of symmetry, but also that God is the Creator of the universe and life by using evolutionism. on the other hand, scientific atheism has no logic with which refute the explanation of scientific theism.
(3) Scientific atheism has been maintaining material monism and denying dualism of matters and spirit. on the other hand, scientific theism asserts that when God formulated the principle of change, he also designed the physics principle for the orderly material universe and the life principle for the order in life. The fact is prove by the point that the universe and life were not created at the same time, and that matters and life have symmetry. The law of symmetry is the supreme principle applied to all kinds of beings beginning with 'the total amount of cosmic energy' and attaches polarity to the whole universe. Polarity is no more than symmetry inherent in existence. Polarity is the cause to a change in time-space. God with the highest intelligence somehow realized that He came into being according to the law of symmetry and that His existence brought about the collapse of symmetry. Then His self-consciousness raised a question.: For what do I exist? God could not find the meaning of His existence. There was nothing which would assign any kind of purpose to God. He also had no reason to have any purpose for Himself. Nevertheless God needed symmetrical partner according to the law of symmetry. He could not find one. He finally understood that He had to create His own partner Himself. Thus God came to have a job to create His symmetrical partner, a material universe for it to reside in and principle of physics and life to maintain them, in order to recover symmetry. Creation became His purpose. God planned creation.
(4) The most important issue in the creation plan of God was a survival of His symmetrical partner who could answer His question, that is, a special life with self-consciousness. God's plan included creation of a material universe, man and low-level life which would populate the ecosystem of man. Man was made God's symmetrical partner by Him. Therefore God and man, who share self-consciousness, is not an individual existence, but rather systematic beings sharing symmetry. That necessitates communication between God and man. God planned creation tossed a question which He should be answered by His symmetrical partner. What is the purpose and meaning of you?
(5) Weinberg, a serious research of the development process of the Big Bang, said we would crush into "the inevitable dual nature in the role of an intellectual life in the cosmos the more as we tried to keep an united viewpoint the harder." and that "such a phenomenon would be found the most profound place in the modern physics." The 'dual nature' he mentioned points to symmetry after all. Weinberg, however, did not recognize his symmetrical partner, God, despite he knew the law of symmetry. Scientific theism concludes that the first cause to life is God demonstrating symmetry between matters and life, God and man, Creator and His handiwork. Accordingly scientific theism are concerned that God might consider the human beings without answering His question as lives on a lower-level than man, not as His symmetrical partner.
Third, life including us is in existence on the earth unlike other planets. How did the planet come to have life?
Scientific atheism maintains that the first life on the earth generated spontaneously by chemical actions of matters and the offsprings of life evolved to man. on the other hand, scientific theism asserts the earthly lives including man were created each by its sort by God, first intellectual life. God formulated life principles applied to life as well as physics principles applied to His material universe. We are the human species among the earthly lives. The earth we live on is a tiny star belonging to the solar system. There are not only the solar system but also numerous stars in the other galaxies beyond our galaxy the solar system is affiliated with. If life were mere a mode of existence of proteins as Engels said, how would it have been possible that human intellect, emotion and self-consciousness came into being? Suppose it is true that the earthly life evolved from matters, them it is not deniable that God could have evolved from cosmic energy.
Let's give an ear to scientific atheism, which says we have evolved aimlessly from spontaneously generated matters and likens us to some free-riders in a spaceship with no captain. We can hear from the theory a myth that the primitive men and women gave the seat of captain of the spaceship to their first ancestors or other living things in order to worship the captain as their god. The historical development of the universe and man is based on Engels' dialectical and evolutionary scientific atheism. Therefore it is a superstitious act to believe an 'invisible' captain in some myth as god. on the other hand, scientific theism disputed the claim of scientific atheism successfully. In addition, scientific theism demonstrated the idea is false that a bacteria from a spontaneous generation is the first life and the common ancestor to the humankind as well as cockroaches and mice.
Scientific theism suggests God assigned self-consciousness to man especially when God created life according its species on the earth. Self-consciousness means one's recognition of the reason and purpose of its existence, beyond instinct. Our self-consciousness recognizes invisible existence of Creator and the reason and purpose of our existence He assigned to us, beyond the limit of the visible material cosmos. We, man have a duty to answer to God's question about the reason and purpose of our existence on the basis of what our self-consciousness has found. Therefore it seems wrong for scientific atheism to conclude there is no captain in the spaceship which operates exquisitely only for the invisibility. Here are two reasons. Firstly we cannot see the captain for the insufficiency of our abilities. The reason of His invisibility is He resides in God's universe whose level is different from our universe. God's spaceship is too vast for us to reach His place, to communicate, to observe and etc. God did not allow us to have such abilities in His creation.
Secondly, Francis Collins general director of the 'human genome project', testimony is worth mentioning. After analyzing 31 hundred million DNA maps with life information, he defined the information as a cryptogram written by God in his book, 'The Language of God.' He also confessed, "I could not help being dominated by surging awe while I studied DNA texts, most important text of biology, and said, "the human genome was written in the DNA language which God used in creating life." He had been a scientific atheist when young and denied God's existence. After he realized the principle of life is different from the principle of physics, he abandoned his atheism. Then he honestly admitted the earthly life is made by God's creation in public and declared he was now an theist. Who in the world studied DNA, basic information of life, more than Collins? His assertion is it is not possible for 31 hundred million DNAs becomes life that is organized orderly, operates exquisitely. Scientific theism applauds his courage shown in his public testimony about God's existence in spite of the predominant scientific atheism in the world of scientists. Scientific theism explains the principle of life briefly as followings.
(1) God designed information of each life which he would create and represented it on the DNA of its primitive ancestor. The ancestor passed down its DNA to its descendents through asexual or sexual reproduction. Life from asexual reproduction inherits its ancestor's DNA as it is while Life from sexual reproduction half and half from parents. Thus an offspring is a representative type by a combination of its' ancestors' DNA.
(2) An unsymmetrical mix or other factors on the process of DNA combination may give rise to a little variation or an error thus causing some genetic diseases. Variation is no more than a representation of diversity in specie, and is not a method of evolving to other species. Reproductive barriers are there to function as a wall between species and species of life. A reproductive barrier is a standard to classify species.
(3) A life consists of a symmetrical constitution of material body and life. A life have different routes of obtaining body and life. A body is merely sharing cosmic matters. Therefore life does not generate even though a body structure is made 100% perfect materially. Life is passed on only by life. There is no way to artificially generate life without following the principle of life formulated by God of creation.
(4) Matters and life is fundamentally disparate. The claim to material monism of scientific atheism is wrong that denies generation of life from God's creation. Go ordained that life share the principle of physics and that of life while living.
(5) Life from each species has a distinctive principle of survival and each life acts according to it with keeping memory of it. The living force of man is only partially expressed in its external activities during its life span and its most part is used for the unexposed life activity inside the life.
(6) Each life is partially a representative type of God's life. Self-consciousness is an absolute characteristic of life. Each life maintains its self-consciousness during its life span, but lose it after death. Then, how does each life's self-consciousness generate and where does it disappear? Science has not found any clue to an answer to the question. For self-consciousness as characteristic of life phenomenon is not subject to a direct observation. on the other hand, scientific theism regards each life's self-consciousness as imperishable and returning to God because it is a share of God's living force.
Fourth, if God created our ancestors endowing special position to them, what is the reason? How does it relate to us in the present?
Scientific atheism explains that the first life on the earth was a bacteria which spontaneously generated, got equipped with reproduction mechanism, gave birth to descendents and died. Its descendents having inherited its attributes also lived, died away and that's it. According to evolutionism, spontaneous variations piled up among descendents of the bacteria, and as evolution went on, diverse species as is seen today have arisen. Then we man is one of the products of evolution and natural selection. Scientific atheism asserts that as life evolves according to natural selection, there cannot be any cause or purpose other than survival of life. Therefore it is in vain and meaningless that we have a purpose other than a victory in the competition for survival. The bacteria species defined as the ancestor to the earthly life by scientific atheism is now a germ which could cause a serious disease to lives including man which evolved as its offsprings. The bacteria, so-called the first ancestor to all living things including man has no need to be related to us of today, but rather is being disliked and avoided.
Scientific atheism views the first life as Creator God. He is living even now and decides as the captain the future course of the spaceship where we have embarked. Creator God created every life other han Him according to its kind. Creator God came into being of Himself and did not have any purpose and meaning of Him. Creator God assigned self-consciousness to man especially among living beings. The reason was he sought from man the purpose and meaning of existence which His self-consciousness could not find. The purpose of creating man as symmetrical partner of His self-consciousness was to make him or her find the reason and purpose of existence. Creator God would hear from each man about what he or she found and enrich the purpose and meaning of creation. Therefore scientific theism think man was made responsible for answering Him about the purpose and meaning his or her self-consciousness found. For that reason scientific theism believes human self-consciousness is preserved by God even after human body perishes. Man has material ancestor from whim he or she inherited body while the ancestor of self-consciousness is Creator God. Here is found the reason God should be the object of worship by human self-consciousness. Theology is to interpret the doctrine of creation on such a basis.
Scientific theism emphasizes the purpose of God's creation should be the foundation of the moral code of the human society, because man is not a descendent of a bacteria but rather is a existence specially created for a divine purpose. Scientific theism suggests man has freedom of self-consciousness and equality of existence specially endowed by God, which are subject to fringe by others. Freedom of self-consciousness means a right to make a choice according to one's purpose and meaning. Man acts according to self-consciousness and confesses to God. Equality of existence is based on the fact the all things in the universe share cosmic materials. on this wise, all the people share God's self-consciousness, and is free and equal before God. Man can complain God of his or her resentment. The basic of the moral code of scientific theism is man do not infringe these two rights of others. Therefore one should not cause a resentment of others while he or she acts according to self-consciousness. That means the moral code should admit the superiority of the right of equality. The Bible of Christianity and Tao The Ching of Lao-tzu ask no different morals from the humans. The confession and plea of man is saved in his or her spirit. Scientific theism says human spirits are judged according to such a moral code and remembered forever in the self-consciousness of God. Denial of God's existence and discussion of a moral code by man is no more than a conspiratorial coup by which he or she would drive out Him and take over His position instead. The moral code of scientific atheism is an attempt to drive man into a world without God and subject man to the law of the jungle.
Scientific theism pointed out the error of scientific atheism about scientific issues about God' existence and explained on the basis of scientific facts. The facts found in the process is believers of evolutionism as scientific theory ended up in adopting scientific atheism without exception while those who understood mystery of life in a nescient way fell into theistic evolutionism by and large. Especially Dobzhansky, an asylum in USA bringing the 'light of evolutionism' in the time of Stalin, set theology, philosophy and science upside down, and dropped them into the deepest place of darkness.
From now on, the best way to know the fact scientific atheism is erroneous, is to reflect it on the mirror of scientific theism to see its image. Hawking wrote about evolutionism of quantum physics, fourth stage of evolutionism, in 'The Grand Design.' Quantum physics is the last stage of scientific atheism. The next topic is to examine the book by reflecting it on the mirror of scientific theism. Scientific theism crashed darkness and set evolutionism, which had been a foundation of scientific atheism, uprightly as to be used as a grounding theory for scientific theism.
<picture 12>
Development of Being
Being vs Non-being -> Law of Symmetry -> Being vs Non-being -> First material change -> God's Universe vs Dark Universe (Our Universe) -> Matter vs Life
Being -> Non-being : infinite darkness without a border
①Total Amount of Cosmic Energy
②Lao-tzu's Primary Nature
③God's Spaceship ④God's Existence
Big Bang, Partial Inflow of Non-being (Big Bang=Materalization of Partial Cosmic Energy)
①Being was inpoured into the expanded Space
②There was a dual-formation of quantized matters and antimatters by an interaction between cosmic Energy and non-being
-> Our Universe, Dark Universe, God's Universe, Non-being
After Bing Bang
①Most of cosmic energy remains intact in the universe of God
②Material and Non-material went through a dual-extinction and became dark matters in the dark universe ③Matters which survived the dual-extinction paired with a superpartner and became normal matters in our universe
-> Earth, Solar System, Our Galaxy, Galaxies, Our Universe, Creation of Earth and Life
①Normal matters interacted and gave rise to stars and galaxies in our universe
②The earth was created in the solar system in our galaxy
③All sorts of life were created on the earth and God gave self-consciousness to man as symmetrical partner to His own
④God's self-consciousness and man's paired up in symmetry and His creation planned were achieved)
*이 글은 허윤(석사)이 『과학과 신의 전쟁』p.412-437까지를 번역한 것이다.
中國語(중국어): 韓國語(한국어)
大爆炸: 백뱅 神的宇宙: 신의 우주 暗黑宇宙: 암흑우주 人类宇宙: 우리우주 银河: 은하들人类银河: 우리은하 太阳系: 태양계 地球: 지구
① 宇宙总能量: 우주에너지 총량
② 老子的第一自然: 노자의 제1차 자연
③ 神的宇宙飞船: 신의 우주선
④ 神的存在: 신의 존재大爆炸: 빅뱅 = 宇宙能量一部分的物质化: 우주에너지 일부의 물질화
① “无”流入膨胀的空间: 팽창한 공간에 무가 유입됨
② 宇宙能量与“无”的相互作用导致量子化的物质与反物质成对产生: 우주에너지와 무의 상호작용으로 양자화된 물질과 반물질이 쌍생성 되었다
大爆炸以后: 빅뱅 이후
① 宇宙能量大部分仍留在神的宇宙之中: 우주에너지 대부분은 그대로 신의 우주에 남아있다
② 物质与反物质发生成对消灭后,成为暗黑宇宙中的暗黑物质: 물질과 반물질은 쌍소멸되어 암흑우주의 암흑물질이 되었다
③ 为要克服成对消灭的发生,物质寻找到新的同伴后,构成人类宇宙中的普通物质: 쌍소멸을 극복한 물질들은 초짝을 만나 우리우주의 보통물질이 되었다
地球与生命体的创造: 지구와 생명체의 창조
① 一般物质通过相互作用构成了人类宇宙的星系与银河: 보통물질들이 상호작용하여 우리우주의 별들을 만들고 은하들을 만들었다
② 地球被创造并安置在银河的太阳系当中: 우리 은하의 태양계에 지구가 만들어졌다
③ 地球当中的各种生命体也被创造而成,神又赋予人类自我意识,以与神的自我意识相对称: 지구에서 각종 생명체가 만들어졌고, 신이 자기의식에 대한 대칭으로 인간에게 자기의식을 부여했다
④ 神的自我意识与人的自我意识相对称,构成同伴,由此神的创造计划得以完成: 신의 자기의식과 인간의 자기의식이 대칭성의 짝을 맺음으로서 신의 창조계획은 완성되었다
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